Sharing your screen in a web meeting


Often it is necessary for us to see the same behaviour, or repeat a series of steps, so we can resolve a problem.   To assist with this we may ask you to share your screen during a web meeting.


You need to enable what you show to us and the following steps show to to do that:


  • When the cursor is in the meeting window, Screen_Shot_2018-11-13_at_11.59.57_AM.pngAt the bottom of the screen you should see a selection for "Share Screen"

Note: This is only visible when the cursor in in the window that looks similar to the above screen shot.  If the cursor is not in the window, the options at the bottom are not shown.


  • Select Share Screen and another window will appear giving options about what screen/windows to share with usScreen_Shot_2018-11-13_at_11.50.41_AM.png
  • Select the browser you are using or the Desktop if you are comfortable sharing all windows.


Stopping the Share Screen

To stop the Share Screen, at the top of the screen you'll see with a green background the meeting ID and next to it the Stop Share button, click it to stop sharing your screen.Screen_Shot_2018-11-13_at_12.06.10_PM.png

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