How do I send a file directly to a user?


One of the nice features of PixtaSynapse is that your customers can redirect a notification a file has been sent.  This is helpful if there are several people in your office so only the selected/published recipient will receive the upload notification.  This article discusses how you can take advantage of this feature.

  1. The first step is setting up a user to receive the email: Account Settings->Users->Manage current users. Note if the user already exists please select that user from the alphabetical list.
  2. Next step is making sure that the check box: "visible on the public upload page" is checked.
  3. When one of your customers goes to upload a file to your PixtaSynapse dropbox, they will see a menu that has the names of all users, in the pop-up menu, that have selected to become visible.
  4. When your customer selects one of the visible users and then sends them a file, that user is notified by email when the file arrives the default PixtaSynapse account 'will not' be sent email just the selected user.   One use is for sales people to be informed a file has arrived so they can expedite getting it into production another would be to receive a private file.   The user that was selected will also have an email record of when the file arrived.
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