Getting started with QuickBooks Online and pixtaFlow


If you are using pixtaFlow with QuickBooks Online (QBO), we've made it easy to get both your:

  • Accounts/Customers
  • Invoices

from pixtaFlow to QBO.


This is an early release of the conduit and the interface in pixtaFlow to access QBO will be changing. 

  1. From within your pixtaFlow account, select the Accounting->QuickBooks Online menu item.
  2. You will first need to authenticate with QBO.
    1. Screen_Shot_2017-04-18_at_12.20.50_PM.png
  3. Click the button, and a pop-up will appear that facilitates you entering your QBO username and password.
    1. Screen_Shot_2017-04-18_at_12.23.10_PM.png
  4. Once a valid username and password have been entered, the dialog will close, a new window/tab will open and you will be taken to your QuickBooks Online account.  Note:  If you have multiple company files, please select the company file you want pixtaFlow to export customers and invoices into.
  5. Go back to the pixtaFlow page and the page has refreshed.  It has two options for you to choose from:
    1. Export Customers
    2. Export Invoices

What to expect: By clicking on the link the first time, pixtaFlow will be evaluating up all the customers that are not QuickBooks Online and then transfer over those customers.  It may take a few minutes the first time you click the Customer or Invoice link, so please be patient.  This release of the conduit only offers feedback when the process is complete.  But when complete will summarize what has transferred between pixtaFlow and QBO.

A note about transferring invoices:  In order for pixtaFlow to transfer an Invoice to pixtaFlow the order must be in the Completed work center or past it.  An invoice is not assumed to be ready to transfer to QBO until it Completed (or any accounting work center).

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