When starting with PixtaFlow you have a few ways to get your customers into PixtaFlow:
- Download the customers from the demo instance of PixtaFlowyou are using. You can download all customers in your PixtaFlow instance, anytime by going to Accounts->View. In the right corner there is a link, "Export accounts as CSV".
This may take a second or two but will generate a .csv file which will have .csv file which will have all customers from your PixtaFlow instance in it. Erase customers you don't want imported using, Excel or any tool that reads a .csv file, and then replace those customer with your customers using the same format from the template. Next send that spreadsheet to support@pixta.com and we'll import it for you. Once done we'll send you can email it's ready.
- If you're using the server based version of QuickBooks for your accounting, we currently don't support QuickBooks Online, please download the QuickBooks Web Connector app. which facilitates copying your customers in QuickBooks to PixtaFlow. To learn more, search for QuickBooks in our knowledge base or contact customer support: support@pixta.com.
- Lastly, you can enter you customers as you need them from the PixtaFlow interface by going to Accounts->Create.